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Two Faced

Two Faced

This show is about vulnerability and the faces we put on for the world versus how we actually feel.

What do we hide from others and why do we hide it? If we can all agree that we’re imperfect, then why do we feel so much embarrassment when trying to express how we actually feel?

Two Faced examines this dichotomy. We’re all human. We all have emotions. Positive ones. Negative ones. Yet, we rarely feel free to express any outward emotions. Constrained by some unsaid rule of society, our relationships remain surface level because we don’t let ourselves be honest with others. Instead we opt for canned responses: “I’m good”, “Doing well”, “I’m fine”, “Not too bad”, “Can’t complain”, insert your go-to. 

With striking color palletes and haunting portraits combined into a collage that’s been ripped apart and put back together, these works are a metaphor for dealing with emotions and how we show those feelings to the world - if we show them at all.  Art is a gateway to empathy and this show’s intent is to help you examine your own emotions so that you can better relate to others.

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